What is Senior secondary?
At Sunshine Beach State High School (SHS) Senior Schooling is conducted over Years 11 and 12 through the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). All students in the Senior School are expected to receive a QCE. Students may choose an ATAR pathway, vocational pathway or combination of both. The senior years of education at Sunshine Beach SHS provides an excellent framework to prepare students to achieve their academic, personal, and career goals.
Sunshine Beach State High School's senior curriculum is based around the need for students to exit with credentials to enable them to progress to the next phase of their life and incorporates the following principles.
an extensive range of subject offerings with academic rigour to cater for all students either on a tertiary or vocational pathway
opportunities for students to master the skills and knowledge to prepare them for future challenges
flexibility within the curriculum for young people moving between pathways
intellectually challenging work that develops high order thinking skills, 21st Century skills and motivates students is taught
ICT strategies are embedded as a part of lifelong learning
students develop a personal success oriented ethos which is reflected by the school's high academic performance expectation of all students with a rigorous and unrelenting process of monitoring and review
the school provides programs to ensure students are career oriented and have an exit pathway post senior schooling into full time education or employment
students develop independent learning skills and are expected to take responsibility for their learning and progress
social development of all students is a priority
respectful and purposeful communication between staff, students, parents and the community is promoted
Senior schooling goal:
Sunshine Beach State High School has high expectations. To graduate, every student must achieve an ATAR of worth, a Vocational Certificate III or better and they attain the Queensland Certificate of Education.
The Queensland Certificate of Education is the qualification awarded to students who have reached the minimum standard for education in Queensland. It signifies an amount and pattern of learning the Queensland Government has legislated for students to graduate from senior schooling in Queensland.
The new QCE: In 2019, a new Senior School system commenced for Year 11 students. For further information, please visit the
QCAA website.
Download the
QCE brochure (PDF, 3MB).
Download the
General and Applied Subjects flyer (PDF, 331KB).
Tertiary pathways:
Sunshine Beach State High School has a pathway for students who wish to receive an ATAR score and study at university or TAFE. Students must study five (5) General subjects including Maths and English (General subjects) for an ATAR score.
Vocational Pathways:
Sunshine Beach State High School has a wide range of applied and vocational qualifications. Students must choose a Mathematics and an English subject as well as four (4) electives of which one must be a Certificate II or better.
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority:
For further information in regard to all Senior Schooling qualifications and certificates, please go to the
QCAA website.
Download the Senior Course Guide to explore all of the Senior School course offerings of Sunshine Beach State High School.