Encompassing Art, Drama, Dance, Film & Television, and Music, the Arts Faculty is an energetic and essential part of the Sunshine Beach State High School community. In all year levels across the arts, students are given the opportunity to engage in and acquire knowledge of a range of forms, styles and genres. They have the opportunity to use a range of arts technologies to create and present their work, and learn how to solve problems with intuition, creativity and imagination.
Year 8
Students will study in the Arts areas of Visual Arts and Music.
Year 9
Students elect to study in the Arts across the areas of Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts.
"Run" by Alex and Kayla
This video is an example of work completed by students in Year 9 Media. The task was to complete a stop-motion animation.
The example was completed by students Kayla Henwood and Alex Fitzgerald.
Year 10
Students elect to study in the Arts across the areas of Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts.
Years 11 and 12
Download the Senior Course Guide (PDF, 2MB) for more information about the following authority subjects (contribute toward an OP).
- Visual art
- Drama
- Dance
- Music
- Film, Television and New Media
- Music extension (year 12 only)
2018 Music Performance Handbook (PDF, 995KB)
- Vocal Music Program
- Multi Program (w/wind, brass & percussion)
- String Program
- String Orchestra
- Concert Band
- Stage Band
- Percussion Ensemble
- Vocal Ensemble & Vocal Group
- Music Scholarships
- Cheerleading (PPT, 13MB)
- Creative Generation (including the Ministers Award for Excellence in Art)
- Arts Exhibitions