Sunshine Beach State High School offers a variety of support and services for the diverse learning needs of students, within a whole-school approach.
All students with additional learning needs are valued, integral members of their whole-school community and supported with a range of curriculum and program options by our experienced and qualified specialist support teaching team located in Banzai South staffroom.
Central to our values are creating equitable, safe and supportive environments to ensure that 'every student succeeds'.
The Banzai South team support equity and excellence in all phases of schooling, across all subject areas including post-school pathway plans. The whole-school approach provides a continuum of support from peer-age classrooms with differentiation and reasonable adjustment, progressing through to focussed teaching groups and intensive programs with highly individualised curriculum. We strive to meet individualised needs, and to ensure positive learning and wellbeing outcomes for all.
The Banzai South teaching team offer an additional level of learning and wellbeing support for young people requiring extensive and substantial levels of adjustment across all subjects.
The heart of our teaching and learning is the '6 Cs' for 21st Century learners.
- Character Education
- Citizenship
- Communication
- Critical Thinking

- Collaboration
- Creativity
Individualised Support
Individualised program options are available based upon student Personalised Learning plans, student data and ongoing monitoring of growth.
Banzai South has a team of specialist staff to assist learners access curriculum and manage reasonable adjustments across the school, in collaboration with teachers and subject faculties. Where appropriate, we also offer access to highly intensive teaching and learning as required on an individual needs basis.
Post-school pathways are supported through individual & school-wide vocational programs, including work experience placements in our community.
For more information or an introduction to our programs and facilities, please contact our Head of Department.
Contact details
Head of Special Education Services – Sean Lennox
Telephone – 07 5440 4222
Email –