New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL) is a global initiative launched by Michael Fullen, a leading authority on education reform. Our school is one of a thousand schools worldwide sharing best practice in how to prepare and equip our students for the future. Through this global partnership, SBSHS will be working together with other schools to explore the challenge of designing relevant and authentic teaching and learning experiences that better prepares students for the world around them.
At the heart of NPDL are the 21st century skills of Creativity, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Character, known as the 6Cs.
Work interdependently and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal land team-related skills including effective management of team dynamics and challenges, making substantive decisions together, and learning from and contributing to the learning of others.
Learning to deep learn, armed with the essential character traits of grit, tenacity, perseverance and resilience; and the ability to make leaning an integral part of living.
Thinking like global citizens, considering global issues based on a deep understanding of diverse values and worldviews, and with a genuine interest and ability to solve ambiguous and complex real-world problems that impact human and environmental sustainability.
Communicating effectively with a variety of styles, modes and tools (including digital tools), tailored for a range of audiences.
Critical thinking
Critically evaluating information and arguments, seeing patterns and connections, constructing meaningful knowledge and applying it in the real world.
Having an 'entrepreneurial eye' for economic and social opportunities, asking the right inquiry questions to generate novel ideas, and leadership to pursue those ideas and turn them into action.
Units of work are designed around the 6Cs, and consider the following components:
- the development of learning partnerships between and among students, teachers, families and communities
- exploring a range of learning environments exploring a range of learning environments
- embedding the use of technology (using digital tools and resources in ways that accelerate and deepen learning) embedding the use of technology (using digital tools and resources in ways that accelerate and deepen learning)
- creating learning tasks that are authentic, meaningful and allow for students to take responsibility for their own learning.